
Adelheid Sandhof

Adelheid Sandhof is a German and Swiss painter.

older website will be revised soon

born February 1950 in Neustrelitz/Mecklenburg

1972 to 1978 art school Berlin

until 1990 member of the Artists' Association of the GDR

member visarte

lives and works in Mund, Oberwallis

In her early composed still lifes, Sandhof visualizes what she has seen and experienced, expands this theme and works with chance. She uses in her painting collectibles,which were first drawn. "Often it is things that seem to have already given away their actual use value: tinted bottles, bowls, sheets of newspaper, scraps of fabric, sugar bags, stretched fans, etc..
A collection of daily necessities and the quiet world of dreams."
Repeatedly drawn pieces lead to freer forms and object images, playing with different materials and found objects. She loves overpaintings with traces of old material, also in the landscape representations created in Valais.
In addition, new collages and occasionally outdoor installations are created again and again.
Still applies: "In her work stands the effort to develop the artistic attitude and to convey a certain life relationship through it, to draw from itself, to observe attentively the natural order of the things of life and to touch the world of feeling of others through the encounter with itself." (Bettina Schirdewan)

Public purchases or architecture-related works:

2022 Mediathek Valais

2020 Art in the Hospital (Brig),

2007 Pro Infirmis,

various works until today: Staatliche Kunstsammlung Neubrandenburg / D,

div. private persons

1986 bus stop Augustfelde

1984, Lindenau Museum Altenburg / D

1983, KIGA Cölpin, wall paintings / D, destroyed 1993

1982, railroad station Neubrandenburg, Mitropa, 3 large arched windows glass design in beer bar / D, destroyed 1990

1981 monument for Juri Gagarin, concrete, airbase Trollenhagen

diverse, center of fine arts Neubrandenburg / D

current exhibitions

exhibitions from 2019

exhibitions until 2018

Opening speech for the first
larger personal exhibition at the
Berlin Gallery Mitte 1988

Opening speech 4 Temperaments 1988/89
Galerie am Pferdemarkt Neubrandenburg

Eröffnungsrede zur Ausstellung Winterreisebilder in Berlin, Galerie Mitte 2000
Continuation of speech

Laudation for the exhibition at the Kunstsammlung Vogel Glas und Wagenrad, 60th birthday, 2010

Speech for the first exhibition in Brig / Valais, Werkhof, 2016

Text Text for the exhibition in Leukerbad / Valais, Galerie St. Laurent, 2020


Schmidgassa 37
CH-3903 Mund
Tel: +52 301 45 45