
A Tent for Storytelling, Secrets and Kissing

A Tent for Storytelling, Secrets and Kissing

“A Tent for Storytelling, Secrets and Kissing” consists of
an experimental dress - and a tent.
The wearable top is tufted, stiff, colorful and extravagant.
Attached is a big skirt made of a patchwork of recycled
colorful cloths, building a teepee. There are “Free” and
“Occupied” signs at each tent and visitors can enter – and
make the artwork alive through personal interaction. Like
hiding under a parent’s skirt or creating a nomadic home, we
feel protected. At the same time, sound penetrates the thin
membrane of the tent, let us be a part of the environment.
The overwhelming and joyful dress was produced together
with a group of immigrant women at Atölye Bez,
celebrating co-learning and working with various women in
sisterhood – womanhood.
Collaborating and supporting each other is crucial for our
survival and the fundamental power of most big changes, like
the feminist movement(s), Black Lives Matter, the environmental
movement and many more revolutions.

Atölye Bez

Museum Cermodern

In collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland in Turkey

Fotografien © Barek

  • Kurator:in:
  • Carole Kambli & Burçak Yakıcı
  • Institution:
  • Cermodern