
Sarah Valérie Steiner

Space, body and movement. An artistic theme to which Sarah Valérie Steiner dedicates herself in her works. Whether through a classical medium such as a canvas or through digital works or even installations, in space the interactions and relationships between people and art are questioned. Sarah Valérie Steiner navigates her own thematic world through a thoughtful concept she calls "Taking Space, Being Space, Protecting Space." In her understanding of space, she implies a more political view by speaking of bodies, gender fluidity, and non-heteronormative relationships. In doing so, she chooses a more playful tone that connects to the concept of "queer joy" rather than a moralizing tone. This allows for a more open dialogue in the space and creates new access points.
-Text by Anne-Sophie Mlamali

Sarah Valérie Steiner,
born on the 17.02.2001 in bern, currently lives and works in lucerne, CH

2024 headquarters of SIG, geneva
2024 lovely autonomy, la collective, Geneva
2023 FatArt, with Bøwie Gallery, Schaffhausen
2023 collective (r)evolution, lacollective, Bøwie Gallery, Geneva
2023 pay attention to the girls behind the curtain!, Raum 240 Emmenbrücke
2022 collective (r)evolution, VC7 Openspace, Bøwie Gallery, Zurich
2022 over the sea, Kola, Crmi Gallery, Langenthal
2022 r(evolution) collective, quartier libre sig, Bøwie Gallery, Genf
2022 Collective (r)evolution, icebergues, Genf
2022 Queer Gaze, Turmerei, Bern
2022 BØWIE Gallery, Genf¨
2022 Togetherness, Cai49, Luzern
2022 It‘s so cloudy I can barely see you, Hslu Design&Kunst, Luzern
2022 I want you so bad, Soul2Soul/RU, Genf
2021 THE DAY AFTER, Cai49, Luzern
2021 Riis im Kaffi, LE FESTIVAL DES ÉCHECS, espace libre, Biel/Bienne
2021 Dogo Totale 2021: Relationen + Risiken, Dogo Residenz, Lichtensteig SG

2024 Studio Meriodional, Marseille, France, April 2024
2021 Dogo Residenz, Lichtensteig, CH, Mai- Juni 2021

2023 Binding Knots, Gina Bolle, im spül_raum, co-curation with Erin Maier
2023 WINK, with Jordis Fellfrau, Babette Walder, Lea Elina Hofer, im spül_raum, co-curation with Erin Maier
2023 Rosen sind rot, vielleicht sind wir blau‘, Marina Frey, im spül_raum, co-curation with Erin Maier
2023 ‚what kind of friend are you?‘ with Raisa Kudasheva, Erin Maier, Sarah Valérie Steiner, im spül_raum

kopfkino: queere belebung luzerns
spül_raum: curation of monthly exhibitions in the former Kunstpavillon Luzern

2021 No risk, no fun, Dogo Residenz, CH (ISBN 978-3-033-08868-9)
2021 Le festival des échecs, espace libre
2021 Survival Guide, Selbstpublikation, 2021
2020 Sternzeichen, Rosarote Ränder, ewige Ebbe und Flut, Selbstpublikation 2020

2024-2026: Master of Arts FHNW in Fine Arts, Basel
2020-2023: Bachelor Kunst und Vermittlung, Hochschule Luzern
2019-2020: Propädeutikum Bern, SfgBB
2015-2019: Gymnasium, Campus Muristalden Bern




